Sunday, October 23, 2011


For months now you have been asking for a class that will teach you the confidence, power, sensuality and sizzle that comes with learning burlesque, but without the pressure of a performance. At first I resisted, but at last you have seduced me. I surrender to you...and I present to you....Burlesque Undressed.

What first drew me to burlesque years ago was the unparalleled confidence burlesque dancers possess. This is not a confidence that unravels on a bad hair day, this kind of confidence is indestructible. As I began to study burlesque, what I noticed was that not only did I feel sexier and more sensual, but I felt like I could do anything. I no longer felt ashamed of my "flaws", inside or out. In fact, I found myself suddenly proud of them. I felt even more alluring because of them. After years of trying to be prettier, thinner, smarter, wittier, etc. in my quest to become compelling - I finally realized that compelling has nothing to do with perfection. Compelling is when a woman takes the impulse to shame herself about being imperfect and flushes that sh*t down the toilet.

There is nothing sexier than shamelessness. Join me November 1st, and let's turn those flaws into your best friends.

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